What is Brotox?

A testament to the fact that cosmetic procedures like Botox aren’t just for women, Brotox has exploded in popularity over the last decade. As its nickname might suggest, “Brotox” refers to Botox procedures for men. In the UK alone, it has been reported that Botulinum Toxin treatment has increased 70% in the UK for men during 2020.

It is not surprising that men are also interested in cosmetic procedures, although there may culturally be less pressure on them to maintain a youthful appearance than women, with male celebrities more often embracing their maturity than their female counterparts, men are not immune to the aging process and the unfavourable feelings they can invoke. It’s a myth that Botox procedures are just for women, it’s likely it just seems this way as women tend to speak about the treatments they have had more openly.

In 2020, the need to look “Zoom ready” has led to a surge in demand for procedures. It is not helped by the fact that 11% of men feel as if they look five years older as a result of the stress brought about by lockdown, according to a report from the Uvence clinic from September. Let alone the increase use of Instagram, TikTok and other social media platforms. The need to look picture perfect has never been so apparent.

The UK is the world’s fastest growing market for fillers, an industry valued at £1bn a year. A 2019 report from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons found that men now want to look “tweaked” rather than “tucked”. Dr Johnson says that the most popular treatments for men include Botox for wrinkles, “dermal filler for jawline definition”, chin enhancement and a procedure called “facetite” which reduces double chins.

Whatever the motivation for having these treatments, the procedure is the same. Botulinum toxin works by relaxing the muscle injected, this then minimises the contractions and therefore smooths the lines, allowing a fresher and smoother appearance. This treatment takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and for this reason is often categorised as a ‘lunchtime procedure.’ There is no downtime and you can return to work immediately. A standard dose is normally used in the initial treatment, with a top up after 2 weeks if necessary. Upper face anti-wrinkle treatments generally last around 3 months so are a great effective yet non-permanent option for those who wish to turn back the hands of time without having to go under the knife.

Chrissie Courtney